Happy New Year! (...only twelve days late) but I've made a promise to myself to try harder to post more often (let's see how long that lasts!). Honestly, I love writing and taking lots of photos and I have the best ideas and intentions. Somehow, though, there are never quite enough hours in a day for me. Onward! One post at a time!
As you probably know from reading my book or taking a class with me, I love using silk thread for my hand applique. In fact, I really wouldn't be able to accomplish many of the special techniques or making very small applique pieces without this fine, strong thread. I also love the look of it for machine quilting.
I'm so excited to finally be able to share a little (well, maybe not so little) side project that I've been involved in for a while. I've had the pleasure of working with Jim Miller, the owner of YLI. It's always hard for me to keep a secret but now I can tell! YLI has launched three Jeanne Sullivan Signature Silk Thread Collections! Each is inspired by a project featured in my book. I hope you like them! And, here they are... Take a look! You'll notice I worked hard to figure out how to create snazzy photo collages with text for your viewing pleasure :) Haha!
Baltimore Heritage Collection:
English Garden Collection:
Butterflies, Birds & Lollipops Collection:
The collections are popular for a lot of reasons. Tried and true silk lovers find the travel packs convenient and compact for on-the-go projects. If you've been thinking about trying your hand applique using silk (and, you really should consider taking the plunge...) the collections offer a perfect range of colors to get you started. Quilt shops will like having core thread color groupings without needing to carry the entire line. They make great gifts. And...they're simply irresistible! (I'm now laughing to myself...think I sound a bit like someone pitching a new product on the Shark Tank TV show!)...
All three collections, along with all the YLI individual spool colors are ready and available on my web site. https://www.JeanneSullivanDesign.com If you visit there, you'll also find two new true pinks and a deep red, filling in the blanks in the range of pale pink through magenta. Here they are:
YLI Silk #268
YLI Silk #267
YLI Silk #266
For my next blog, I plan to write a silk thread tutorial with tips and tricks for using silk for hand applique. Stay tuned...
If you dabble in Facebook, maybe you'd like to send me a friend request at https://www.facebook.com/jeanne.a.sullivan
or, Like my Page at https://www.facebook.com/JeanneSullivanDesign
or both! Thanks!
I'm glad you stopped by!
Until next time, I wish you dancing needles!